Back in business
Well, friends, my family has departed. It was a good visit, and I learned that I like Oregon so much better when the people I love are in it. A week of traveling with family was a good chance to rediscover all that is good about this state - the landscapes, the rivers, the wineries, the mountains, the small towns, the lakes, the valleys. I'm actually proud of how well I know my way around here. Now that I've cleaned my apartment and drunk the last Diet Pepsi in my fridge (Mom's go-to beverage), I'm back to sciencing. I started yesterday by catching up with my labmate, Caitlin, and touching base with my adviser. Apparently, while I was busy galavanting around the state with relatives, Caitlin managed to fix two old pieces of equipment just by reading the manual. Score two for her. We actually spent a good part of the day yesterday packing up boxes of lab equipment to ship to the U.S. east coast. Our adviser, Craig, has a research cruise coming up next week, and a num...