All of me

"All of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections"
- "All of me" by John Legend

I walked up to the cottage, a tray of coffees in one hand, car keys in the other. The early morning air was damp, chilly. I could see heads of bull kelp on the sea surface just a few yards away. I knocked on the cottage door and heard someone shout "open!" from inside. I turned the handle and let myself in.

And there she was, already beaming, sitting on a kitchen chair with a head full of curling iron. It was her wedding day.
OIMB's Boathouse Auditorium (the same room where my
defense was held) re-decorated for the wedding. 

Friends, in my last official act as an Oregonian, I served as a bridesmaid for my labmate Caitlin's wedding. I had been looking forward to this day for a long time - about a year, actually. I planned my move around it.

The wedding was at OIMB, and everyone did their part to make it happen. The secretary did Caitlin's hair; faculty housing was opened to her family. The OIMB kitchen catered the reception, and all the students and staff attended. Relatives and friends of the couple came in from out of town and offered their hands in logistical assistance. I had a fun time getting to know Caitlin's high school friends. It made me happy to see the community rally around Caitlin and Jesse to make their big event come together.

Caitlin and Jesse on their wedding day
I was a multi-purpose guest, serving as Bridesmaid, Violinist, and Friend. (I expect the reception photos will reveal my role as Crazy Dancer as well.) It warmed my heart to see such a dear friend, labmate, and (let's face it) academic sister marry her perfect match. Caitlin and Jesse are a well-functioning, complementary pair, and they truly are each other's best friend.

One of the reasons I love my mobile life so much is that wherever I go, I get to meet new people. And not just meet them, but know them. And not just know them, but help them. And not just help them, but invest in them. And get involved in their lives and let them get involved in mine. Caitlin has kept me sane for the past two years as I finished my Ph.D. She and Jesse are a cornerstone in the Tangled Web of People Kirstin Knows and Loves Across the World. I am deeply grateful for such an amazing and supportive lab sister in Caitlin, for her perfect match and partner in life, Jesse, for the opportunity to know them as individuals and as a unit. I'm honored to have participated in their wedding day, and I wish them nothing but the best for their life together.
