Like a dragon
My first year in Coos Bay, my neighbor, L, taught a yoga class at one of the local gyms. Everyone in our friend group would attend, even the guys. We'd go to L's class, then grab fish tacos at a restaurant downtown. It was our Thursday night ritual. There's a concept in yoga called ujjayi breathing, which is performed with a slight constriction at the back of the throat. L always made sure we practiced it. We would be on all fours in cow pose, chest lifted, gazing upward, and she'd tell us to exhale as loudly as we dared. "Stick your tongue out!" she'd tell us. "Open your throat! Make noise!" I always felt like a dragon. I've used exhaling fire as a metaphor for making valuable scientific contributions previously on this blog . I told you while writing my thesis introduction that my inner fire would soon be unleashed in breathable form. Well, friends, today I felt like a dragon. At 2:32 pm, I finished the first complete draft of my dis