"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Mark Twain I. Hate. Statistics. Well, maybe I shouldn’t be so extreme. Statistics do powerful things with scientific data. They give us a structured way of analyzing all those precious numbers and figuring out what they mean. Statistics carry us from a messy matrix of observations to a single measure of significance. They provide a tangible, grounded means of assessing patterns in the world. They are necessary and valuable. But they also suck. Learning how to use statistics properly is always a challenge, because it’s not just a matter of running the test. It’s figuring out which statistical test is the proper one to use for any given dataset - and there are a lot of tests out there! Sometimes, I’m convinced that I’ve conducted a statistical test correctly, but then someone will point out there’s a test that fits my data even better than the test I used. Then it’s back to square one. I had the expe