Kraken sleeping in my office. My dog, Kraken, knows exactly when I finish a task. He sees me lean back from my computer after hours of concentration, and he knows that he's about to get a walk outside. It never fails. I emerge from the dense cloud of focus, take a deep breath, and look over at him. The fuzzy puppy, who just a few minutes before was dead to the world in the middle of a nap, has lifted his head and slid his front paws off the couch. If I confirm his suspicions by standing up, he bolts to the door. He knows the routine well. We had several moments of emergence this week. I spent five days working through task after task on my to-do list, in an effort to button up my lab before a trip. And it worked. An example CATAIN image, showing a diverse fouling community that has settled on it. The greatest accomplishment was resubmitting a paper about my camera system, CATAIN. Some of you might remember that I worked with WHOI engineers to design a camera system that coul