ROV day

The ROV we used to record video today I was on a Zoom call about my offshore wind project when one of the consultants brought up a familiar name: Marine Imaging Technologies. The small Massachusetts-based company had been sub-contracted to collect video data using a remotely operated vehicle. As the benthic ecology expert on the project, I was responsible for ensuring the video recordings were high quality and clearly showed the seafloor community. I needed to join Marine Imaging staff for a day at sea. I gave a wide smile. I was about to get paid to spend a day on a boat with my friends. Marine Imaging Technologies owner, Evan, and his deputy, David, were key players in our 2019-2020 Stellwagen Telepresence Project , and we collaborated on a project in the Gulf of Mexico in 2022, too. When I stepped onto R/V Catapult at 6:30 am, both Evan and David greeted me with warm hugs. The last time I saw them was in April in Portland, Maine, for a public event celebr...