Thermal shock experiment: part 4

Friends, it is nearing the end of my current travels in Norway, and I can report some of the results of my personal thermal shock experiment . The Arctic winter doesn't actually feel that cold anymore! I acclimated after just a few days, despite having so recently been in the tropics . The human body is resilient, and to be perfectly honest, I prefer this temperature. The conference I'm attending, Arctic Frontiers, is really two conferences in one. The Policy section during the first two days attracts politicians, diplomats, businessmen, and bureaucrats. The Science section during the last two days is frequented by researchers and academics like myself. Gone are the security guards; gone are the three-piece suits. The conference is now more my speed. I've compared conferences to family reunions before , but this one feels a bit different. Even though the politicians have gone, the conference subject matter is still pretty broad - everything from social science to the e...