
Showing posts from 2025

SS United States

Friends, if you have kept track of the news recently, you have probably noticed the name of a ship: SS United States . This iconic passenger liner crossed the Atlantic at phenomenal speeds from 1952 to 1969. Soon, the ship will have a second life as an artificial reef.  SS United States l eft the Port of Philadelphia for Mobile, Alabama just a few weeks ago. The ship has now arrived in Alabama, where it will be stripped and  prepared for deployment . SS United States is 300 m long - larger than Titanic - so the cleaning process is estimated to take 6 months. When SS United States is ready, the ship will be sunk offshore of Destin, FL. The world's largest artificial reef will come to her final resting place later this year.  If you are reading this blog, you probably already know how much I love shipwrecks . Over the past decade, I have studied the Billy Mitchell fleet , the passenger steamship Portland , other shipwrecks in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary ...

The mesophotic paper

Friends, I am excited to announce the publication of a new research paper today! This paper highlights the role that shipwrecks play in supporting biodiversity in the mesophotic zone, between 40 and 200 m depth.  Some of you might remember that in June 2022, I participated in a research expedition offshore of Louisiana . We left the bayou and headed south on a catamaran to explore shipwrecks and naturally-occurring hard-bottom reefs (aka boulder reefs ) on the seafloor. Using a remotely-operated vehicle, we recorded ultra-high-definition videos from each habitat. Our shipwrecks included the CP Baker , an historic mobile oil drilling rig, and the Hamlet , a Norwegian freighter sunk by a U-Boat in WWII, plus two smaller, unidentified vessels.  After the cruise, my colleagues and I spent the next several months analyzing the videos we had captured. I counted and identified all the fishes , corals and other invertebrates , and even planktonic larvae I had collected in my net. My ...

Smarter, not harder

"Work smarter, not harder" Will and Matt hard at work in the lab - every single one of my high school classmates who angered me the most I hate the phrase "Work smarter, not harder." It drives me up the wall. I have built my career on hard work - it is the reason I am successful. Anytime someone else figures out a faster way to reach the same goal, it feels like they're cheating the system.  Well, friends, you can probably guess where this is going. My lab has a number of interns from local high schools who come in once or twice a week and help with lab work. Recently, the interns have made so much progress on our larval sorting project that we actually finished the entire set of samples. The data are now in the hands of my graduate student, Kharis. Finishing the larval samples meant that our high school interns could move onto a new project - this time, sorting sediment samples from the high Arctic.  I gave the students my little speech about why we're in...

Calling all fishermen! Part 2

It was Valentine's Day. Of all the roundtable meetings we held with fishermen in Massachusetts, I expected this one to have the lowest turnout. After all, who wants to spend their free time talking about marine debris with a bunch of scientists on Valentine's Day? But the meeting had our largest turnout yet. Some of the fishermen even brought their wives - I hope they had romantic dinner plans afterward.  We sat together in a corner of the Fishing Heritage Center in New Bedford. We were surrounded by reminders of the fishing industry - a mannequin wearing an orange survival suit, a video from a scallop processing plant, models of fishing gear and boats. It was the perfect setting for our discussion.  At every roundtable, we have had one or two big personalities. A couple of fishermen with strong opinions come and make sure we hear everything they have to say. Don't get me wrong, these big personalities push the conversation forward. The whole point of our roundtable meeting...

DeepZoo: part 5

Text and photos by postdoc Johanna Weston First day of school drop-off energy. That is how I felt about securing DeepZoo to the lander for its first deep ocean deployment on the first day of the cruise, AT50-33 at 9N of the East Pacific Rise. Did I input action times in UTC correctly? Did I close the housing correctly? Is DeepZoo secured tightly enough to the frame to withstand the force when the lander hits the seafloor? What if the lander doesn’t come back to the surface? All these questions and more flooded my mind. DeepZoo needs to open its door, turn on the thruster, turn off the thruster, and then close the door. Deep breaths. The lander was raised off the deck. The lander was released into the water. The lander sank to ~2500 m on the seafloor. The human-occupied submersible Alvin found the lander on the seafloor. Alvin picked the lander up and drove it several meters away from the recently discovered YBW vent. DeepZoo’s door opened, the thruster turned on for 20.5 hours,...

Calling all fishermen!

The setting for our first meeting at Net Your Problem, a fishing gear recycler in New Bedford. Those nets are an example of the very fishing gear we're trying to keep off of shipwrecks. Friends, it is a busy week for me! My marine debris project is ramping up as we take on one of our major activities for the year: stakeholder engagement. Yes, that is a fancy term for "talking to fishermen."  Fishermen are experts on the marine environment. They spend more days at sea than any scientist - usually by at least a factor of 10. I have only spent a few days on fishing boats in my life, and each one was an incredible learning experience . Fishermen know things - just by being on the water so often, they amass a level of oceanographic knowledge that would take several years to match in a classroom. My team wants to know why fishing nets get entangled on shipwrecks and how we could prevent entanglements in the future. To answer those questions, we are going straight to the sourc...

Not in Kansas

"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Diane and I in Times Square - the movie The Wizard of Oz I stepped out of Penn Station with a backpack on my back and a garment bag I borrowed from my husband in one hand. WHOI's brand-new Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean, Dr. Diane Foster, walked beside me. We followed the signs, climbed up the stairs, trying to get our orientation before we got to street level. When I felt cold winter air and saw the glow of streetlights, I figured we were almost there. One more set of stairs, and we emerged...into Madison Square Garden. How in the world did that happen? Diane and I pulled out our phones. One route to the hotel would take us through Times Square; another would take us down quieter streets. Did we want to brave the crowds? For a chance to see the lights and say we were in Times Square, oh yes, we did.  Any New Yorker reading this right now is probably cringing. Friends, I am a small-town girl. I grew ...

Intertidal shipwrecks

Friends, I'm excited to announce a new achievement for my collaborator, Calvin: publishing an edited book! In archaeology, publishing an edited book is considered to be a major contribution to the field - equivalent to a biologist like me publishing a paper in one of the top journals. I am incredibly proud of Calvin! The book concerns shipwrecks that are located in the intertidal zone, an incredibly dynamic environment. In the intertidal, a shipwreck is exposed to pretty much every possible condition: being covered by water, being exposed to air, strong currents, waves, humans and animals walking or swimming by, storms, rain, erosion, accretion - if it happens, it happens in the intertidal.  Notably, this book grew out of Calvin's teaching. When he began co-directing the only maritime archaeology field school in Massachusetts, he needed shipwreck sites for the students to study - sites that were accessible and could stand up to a group of students learning as they worked. So Ca...

DeepZoo: part 4

DeepZoo ready to be deployed in Eel Pond. Text and photos by postdoc Johanna Weston It started with a simple question: “Would there be a way to put a net on a lander, like a windsock?” Answering this question has been a journey that has included finding funding through the Innovative Technology Program , assembling a team of exceptional engineers, getting a titanium housing fabricated and pressure tested to full ocean depth, and learning engineering skills at WHOI’s AVAST. After months of vision and work, DeepZoo has been born as a new instrument. My end of 2024 focused on getting DeepZoo tested (and retested and retested) in the freshwater test tank at AVAST , affectionally named Ernie. While in the tank, I carefully watched to ensure the door opened at the right time, the thruster turned on at the right time, the thruster shut off when programmed, and the door fully closed. Once I was visually confident that DeepZoo followed its computer program, it was time to give it some inde...

The Society

I saw Mel first. When I approached the registration table, she was chatting with one of the volunteers. I relaxed a little - a familiar face, someone I knew. Thank goodness.  Just a few minutes later, after Mel had walked me into the reception hall, I spotted another familiar face - Jeneva. Come to think of it, we had only ever met on Zoom. It actually took me a second to realize it was her. We grabbed drinks and started chatting. It was easy to converse with Jeneva, and I was so glad to finally connect with her in person.  The following day, Calvin showed up to the conference. The annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology is like a family reunion to him. Calvin taught for years at a university that is a hub for underwater archaeology, so he knows absolutely everybody. Name an underwater archaeologist in the US, and there's a good chance the person is one of Calvin's former students. We couldn't walk 10 feet without someone stopping him to say hi, and Calvin...

Deadline mountain

Friends, I am back home! Vacation was refreshing and reinvigorating and everything that I needed. My first day back at work, I sat down with my planner and made a list of all the deadlines I had to meet in January 2025. A paper review due on the 6th, a draft presentation due before a meeting on the 7th, a report due on the 31st - the list was long. I took a deep breath. January is going to be a big month for me, but then again, every month is a big month for me. That's just life on the tenure track.  The first mountain I climbed this week was one of species identification. My technician, Sarah, has picked steadily away at our benthic survey project and has a collection of challenging unidentified specimens to show for it. We sat together for several hours , going through the specimens one by one.  Here are some of my favorite specimens! Baby sea urchin! This guy was really challenging to identify, but we think he's an acorn worm. This is a beautiful, almost textbook, example...

The Bats.

The entrance to Ginnie Springs. Yes, that is a  "no diving" sign, but what they mean is no  jumping head-first off the stairs. Yes, those are our bail-out tanks at the bottom: my husband likes to launch them like rockets into the water. For our last dive in Florida, I wanted to back off a little and do something fun. Sometimes, on the last day of a dive trip, I succumb to exhaustion and end up cancelling - it's happened to me multiple times. But this year, I was determined to follow through. No cancelling at the last minute, no waking up and deciding I couldn't go. Our last dive in Florida was my 400th SCUBA dive, and if I didn't follow through, I would end up having my 400th dive somewhere boring - like my local pond  back home. I chose for my 400th dive to be in a cave system called Ginnie Springs. Ginnie is massive - you could probably spend every dive for a year exploring it and still not get bored. At the surface, Ginnie's crystal-clear water is usually f...

Traverse and reverse

The Peacock map with our route in green I blew bubbles out through my nose and mouth as I rose through the water. I carried my rebreather on my back and a bail-out tank under each arm. Above me, I could see the reflective plane of the water's surface. My neoprene hood breached the surface, and through my clear SCUBA mask, I could see a little boy on the stairs. He waved "hello" to me, and then his brother and mom joined. I waved back, then sank once again into the depths.  An hour and a half later, I surfaced again - this time at the other end of the cave. Three girls swam at the surface. Their legs were covered in fabric cones with patterns like scales: mermaid tails. Bikini tops and bright blue and purple eye shadow matched their tails perfectly. When my head was just below the surface, one of the mermaids took a deep breath and dove head-first into the water. Her bright red hair streamed behind her, and she waved as she flipped her tail to propel herself back to the su...

Little River

The entrance to Little River There are tons of caves in central Florida. Each morning, my husband and I wake up, assemble our gear, and discuss where we want to dive for the day. The last two times I've made trips to cave country (2021 and 2023), one of the caves called Little River was closed and inaccessible. In fact, in 2021, we stopped by to check on it and found an alligator swimming just above the cave entrance - that's a pretty good sign you should not get in the water! This year, Little River was thankfully open and alligator-free, so we were able to explore! Little River is in a state park. The Suwanee River runs swiftly by, and the Little River entrance rests in a sort of cul de sac stretching off the side of the river. Crystal-clear water covers the algae-infested river floor. A stone wall surrounds the cave entrance, and concrete steps lead from the gravel parking lot down to the water's edge. My husband and I parked our truck and opened the tailgate - we had a ...

Cave Country

My current location: cave country Friends, I am in Florida! My husband, Carl, and I are in cave country. If you say "cave country" to most technical SCUBA divers, they will know exactly what you are talking about. If you explain to anyone other than a technical SCUBA diver that you are driving 20 hours to spend Christmas vacation in rural north-central Florida, they will think you are insane. But I assure you, friends, it is worth it.  The state of Florida sits on a series of limestone caves. Natural springs are everywhere. Water rushes through a complex network of passages and bubbles up to the surface. If you are an adventurous person, you can swim down to the bottom of any river, lake, pond, or sink and find your way into a water-filled cave. If you have your dive gear, you might even explore further.  I was trained as a cave diver a few years ago. I even did my closed-circuit rebreather training in a cavern in this part of Florida. There are plenty of caves to explore ...