Salt Lake City, Utah
The second day of cross-country travel took me through southwestern Idaho and into Utah. I have just a few things to say about Idaho. First, the landscapes are absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning. We started in terrain very similar to the Oregon Badlands, then watched as the land flattened out and became covered by potato and corn fields. The closer we got to Utah, the more mountains there were.
The second thing I have to say about Idaho is that it's obvious Idahoans love their state. We saw exits for towns named Paradise Valley, Bliss, and Eden.
Now that I'm in Utah, I just can't get enough of the mountains. As my mom and I were walking to dinner, we kept our eyes to the sky and the horizon, just drinking it all in. What a gorgeous, gorgeous state.
"In eastern Oregon, they make such a big deal out of the Oregon Badlands. Sure, it's beautiful terrain, but where I come from, the land looks exactly the same, and we just call it...Idaho." - Caitlin Plowman |
Idaho |
Idaho |
A wind park in Idaho |
A rest stop outside Eden, Idaho |
Getting close to Utah |
Near the Idaho/Utah border |
Utah |
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