All those sequences

It took 3 separate emails to get all the sequence data for my baby corals from Palau into my inbox. There were 57 samples, and most of my PCRs had worked. I sent 92 tubes to the sequencer, and each one was used for two sequencing attempts (forward and reverse). That's a ton of data. 
One of the coral recruits. Using DNA, I was able to identify
this one as Porites sp.

Not all of the sequences were clean - they never are - but they got me the information I needed. Sample after sample matched to the database and produced a logical answer. Acropora, Porites, Stylaraea - all coral genera that are known to occur in the area. My identifications were working. 

It is so satisfying to have a project work on the first try. Well, I suppose it was only the first try for this round, and my efforts have benefited from 5 years of trial and error. We finally got our protocol down and started generating good results - it's about time.

As soon as I had compared all the sequences to the database and identified each coral, I sent my spreadsheet to Maikani. She'll include these results in her analysis of coral recruitment across Palau. I'm proud of what we've accomplished and look forward to the final paper!
